We have 英语a mall garden behind our houe. It i beautiful all year round.
When pring come, the garden i all green. The ground i jut like a green blanket. Bird are inging in the tree. The quiet garden become lively.
In ummer, all kind of tree grow tall and h2. Golden unflower bloom to the un, waving in the wind. Some other flower are a red a fire, giving weet mell and inviting many bee dancing around them.
When it i autumn, apple, pear and other fruit come out from the leave, jut like bell hanging in the tree. On the ground, you can ee orange, big pumpkin here and there.
After a now in winter, the tree in the garden are covered with now. The ground i all white with only ome green leave of vegetable ticking out from beneath. What a beautiful garden!
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